How Can I Get Invisalign?

Get Invisalign

If you are among the millions who have been dissatisfied with your smile for some time, the possibility of getting Invisalign may be right for you. Clear aligners, as these braces are sometimes called, are clear, removable orthodontic dental braces which are a clear, flexible plastic form of cosmetic braces intended to adjust damaged teeth. Patients who will need this treatment will have their teeth professionally cleaned and repaired so that the tooth will be able to maintain its shape. The procedure does not require cutting, sculpting, or other major work and can be done in a short amount of time.

Patients who are considering having Invisalign treatments should understand what it will involve before they decide if they are a good candidate. A good candidate will need to meet the following criteria: he or she must be between eighteen and twenty-five years old; he or she will need to be free of any current diseases which could affect the alignment of his or her teeth; he or she will need to visit his or her dentist on a regular basis at least four times each year for a minimum of two hours. Other information which a patient may be required to submit includes his or her current height, weight, and the length of his or her neck.

Patients who do not meet all of these requirements will still be a good candidate for Invisalign. They will first need to consult with their orthodontist about whether or not he or she is a good candidate. Before the procedure can begin, the orthodontist will take a look at the patient’s bite and mouth structure to determine whether he or she should need metal braces or if getting Invisalign would serve a better purpose. If the patient does not have ideal bite structure, he or she may be advised to get Invisalign instead of metal braces. If the orthodontist feels that the patient’s bite is ideal for using Invisalign, he or she will likely recommend that he or she get both the Invisalign treatment in addition to the metal braces.

Patients who do not qualify for Invisalign treatment are still a good candidate for Invisalign. However, they will first need to discuss the benefits of the procedure with their orthodontist before proceeding. Some patients may feel uncomfortable with the idea of removing their natural teeth for the sake of wearing Invisalign aligners. The orthodontist can explain the benefits and risks of the procedure to them. He or she can also provide them with helpful information about removing the natural teeth in the future.

Patients who want to get Invisalign done but cannot find an orthodontist in their area can look online. There are many different websites where people can learn about the different types of aligners, how they work, and how long it takes for them to get started on the right treatment course. Patients can read reviews from other patients just like them who have undergone the treatment. This is a great way to find out what kind of results they have had with the procedure. Plus, patients can compare the cost of Invisalign treatment at various dentists in their area to see which ones are the most reasonable.

Of course, patients who cannot afford to get Invisalign treatments can still use its alternative. There is an at-home version of Invisalign that can be used by patients as well. It’s called Ansell GlidePro plus, and it has the same exact benefits of the treatment plan. Patients simply take it out of their purse and slide it under the tongue when they brush their teeth for an immediate treatment.